The Future is our Forte.

For 20 years we've been one step ahead, providing our customers with data and insights to make design, sourcing, and procurement decisions that stand the test of time- no crystal ball required.

This was only possible because we involve everyone in the electronics value chain. It's a balancing act including manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, and everyone in between. This leads us to predicting market and supply chain trends with great precision. As we look back to celebrate our victories that support this claim, we aim to also celebrate the partnership and collaboration that brought us here.

In the same year that Tesla and the iPhone hit the global stage, Supplyframe jumped in front of the curve, transforming the way innovators interact with electronics component suppliers, distributors, and manufacturers, and paving the way for digital engagement among electronics design engineers on a global scale. Since our launch, the global semiconductor market has doubled, projected to reach $515 billion in 2023.
Just five years after the first SaaS company was founded, QuoteFx was launched- a product that linked engineering through to procurement and made quote response more intelligent. This web-based quote management tool was built specifically for the electronics industry market. This year also saw the introduction of Facebook, Skype, and the Motorola RAZR flip phone.
We believed everything would be online in a couple years. To back that up, we launched our IPO ads and other new forms of digital advertising that offered a turnkey solution with detailed targeting.
As Instagram took the internet by storm, and knowing the industry needed a better way to find and identify electronic components for designs, we acquired a well-known search engine that was developed by NASA-
As the global connector market reached $46 billion in value, we invested in the global community of engineers, hackers, and innovators by acquiring Hackaday and EEFocus in 2013 and 2014 respectively. Both of these platforms would continue to grow into thriving communities.
As we predicted, most enterprises were using a SaaS application at this point. Doubling down, we acquired Polydyne to support our development of future SaaS offerings.
DesignLab opens with the sole purpose to foster innovation and forward thinking-leading to the creation of world changing inventions, like 2022's Hackaday Prize winner: a 3D-printed portable wind turbine.
Seeing the potential of SamacSys as a resource for designers and engineers, we acquired the company. This lead to the creation of DesignSense, which grew rapidly due to a quick shift to digital-only interactions in the coming years.
In a time where uncertainty and risk defined global supply chains, we launched Design-to-Source Intelligence (DSI), an entire suite of SaaS solutions powered by our industry-leading global network and platform.
We stepped in front of supply chain shortages by creating Commodity IQ- a platform that provides organizations with accurate decision support and supply chain insights that inform current and future sourcing strategies.
2023 and Beyond
Already this year, we predicted ChatGPT would drive up sales of AI processors like GPU's. A month after our prediction, it was confirmed. Additionally, after a sharp downturn in the first half of the year, the Supplyframe Memory Demand Index showed signs of market demand bottoming out. Two months later, the U.S. memory chip supplier Micron confirmed this in their quarterly earnings announcement.
After our acquisition in 2021, we've become part of the Siemens Xcelerator digital business platform. We thank you for your support and are incredibly grateful to our customers and partners. We're excited to see what the next 20 years hold.

Our intelligence ensures you're ready for anything.

Stop second-guessing your sourcing decisions with Supplyframe.